Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ramp C Elevator

"Well, yeah, it's warm there compared to the rest of the country."
"You're so fucking stupid, you...(finished sentence in fluent Spanish)"
"You pushed the wrong...(Spanish) it's erased!"
"Yeah, O.K... (Spanish)...It sure does fucking blow."
"(Spanish)...Emilia...(Spanish)... the record button ...(Spanish) ...yes (Spanish)!"

Monday, January 5, 2009

St. Josephs ER waiting room

"NO, I'm outta town."
"I don't know, when I get there."
"I don't know, fuck off!"
"When I get there!"
::slams phone shut::

"I'm outta town."
"150 miles."
"When I get there."
"I don't know, I'm outta town."
"Ugh, I don't have time to explain it to you."
::slams phone shut::

(man sitting with her):

"No, we are out of town."
"About 150 miles."
"Oh, when we get there."
"Nope, we are outta town."
"When we get there."
"OK, fuck off."
::slams phone shut::

thanks to: Alison Beattie

DSW Shoe Store

"Is he light-skinneded?"
"Is he light-skinneded?"
"Yeah, dat's him."